
Basic Press Releases

I can ensure your "news" is relayed accurately, authoratively and with carefully chosen messages to ensure maximum impact and pick up. A strong headline is key to capture the attention of busy newsrooms which have less time these days to wade their way through badly-written, unexciting press releases. Many a good media opportunity goes begging due to poor or staid press release writing. I know the key media to target, what stories they gravitate towards and what grabs the headlines or front page. I also have strong personal working relationships with many NZ media who trust my judgment. Solid exposure in national or regional media is worth ten times that of paid advertising coverage in terms of your reputation and public credibility. Let me help you achieve that. 

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Reputation and Risk Management

Your good reputation, often years in the making, can be critically spoiled or dented after just one media outing or 'bad news' story. When negative news hits, its vital you are prepared to deal with it, have assigned spokespersons ready to go and briefed on what to do and how to make that happen. Front-footing bad news is crucial and time is of the essence .. delays only create the perception of avoidance. Let me work with you before that happens, to set up a solid crisis plan; a set chain of command and steps to ensure all messages and pre-approved messengers are "singing from the same song sheet". Advance preparation can identify potential weaknesses. and we can work out how best to front foot them .. just in case. And, if the worst case scenario does happen, I can step in to help manage the media storm. 


Media Training

Presenting yourself well on camera, on the radio, online or in the local newspaper can make all the difference to how you, or your organisation is perceived and trusted. It's essential your key staff know how the media operates, what journalists will be wanting from you, how to frame your key messages to ensure they get cut-through, how to ensure you can dictate the narrative and remain in control and how best to maximise your time in the media spotlight. I understand the importance of practise ..putting my trainees through their paces in a "mock interview" situation to de-mystify the process.  As I know from my decades in broadcast tv, looking and sounding your best matters too ... there's no value coming across as nervous, timid or shifty!  My half, full day and multi-day media training courses will ensure you are well prepared and ready to face the media. I will help take the fear and anxiety away and build confidence in you and your team!


Presentation and Public Speaking

Few of us are born public speakers yet it’s an essential skill in the health industry, whether you are presenting at conferences or making submissions to a public meeting or board. With decades of experience in television and radio presenting, voice coaching future reporters as well as having MC’d , mediated and presented at multiple conferences, I can arm you with the skills to ensure you project well and clearly, engage the audience and deliver your messages with aplomb and confidence. 

Media Strategy

It's vital that when you have something important to say or to lobby for, its conveyed clearly, accurately and with maximum impact to ensure the most positive coverage possible to the public, through the media. Having a well-prepared strategy or 'action plan' is vital to this. I can sit down with you and formulate a clear path forward to maximise your organisation's media engagement, whether it be for press, radio, television, magazine or online. It may be a yearly plan, monthly plan or a plan for a single news release; good preparation and ‘focussed goals-clearly conveyed’ are the keys to a positive outcome. 


Conference Presenting

I have performed as a Master of Ceremonies at many regional, national and international conferences, both in the health and business sector. I can act as MC, Chair and facilitate debates and Q and A sessions, or be guest speaker at your next event.